Friday, April 9, 2010

Trumka Warns of the "Forces of Hate" That Smash the Ideal of America

by: RDemocrat

Thu Apr 08, 2010 at 20:29:00 PM EDT

It is no secret that in this current environment with so many workers unemployed, underemployed and making less money that anger is rampant among American workers. It is understandable as working America watches the bankers who crashed our economy costing them millions of jobs get bailed out while in every town in America they are still hurting. This on top of the fact that Corporate America has stagnated wages on jobs they have not shipped overseas to virtual slave markets. Yes, anger is justified and rampant in many unemployment lines and workplaces. However, working America must be very careful of how to channel this understandable anger. You see, just like in past days forces of hatred are seeking to divide workers keeping them from forming a united front to really change this country and their own lots in life.  
RDemocrat :: Trumka Warns of the "Forces of Hate" That Smash the Ideal of America
With this in mind AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka today spoke to American workers warning them of the forces of hatred that depend on being able to divide them and turn them against one another and their own interests. He spoke of intellectuals speaking out in these times in defense of the working class:
It is all about standing up to entrenched economic power and the complacency of the affluent. It's an alliance that depends on intellectuals being critics, and not the servants, of economic privilege.
He pointed out how the voices of hatred we hear so readily spewing their twisted logic is nothing new, it has been around for a long time and our generation is far from the first to see such a war against working and intellectual America:
This is a similar moment. Our politics have been dominated by greed and the forces of money for a generation. Now, amid the wreckage that came from that experiment, we hear the voices of hatred, of racism and homophobia. I think this is an important point to make here at Harvard. The economic elites at JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and the other big Wall Street banks are happy to hire intellectual servants wherever they can find them. But the stronger the alliance between intellectuals and economic elites, the more the forces of hatred-of anti-intellectualism-will grow.
He called on intellectuals and working families to be part of the solution, shunning these voices of hatred that would make America in to a clone of Europe in the Dark Ages and band together and fight for an economy that works for all giving working men and women a voice once again in our Republic:
If you care about defending our country against the apostles of hate, you need to be part of the fight to rebuild a sustainable, high wage economy built on good jobs-the kind of economy that can only exist when working men and women have a real voice on the job.
Go here to read the full text of Trumka's speech:
And right on cue, the Oxymoron decides to spread more hatred and propaganda, by blaming government not Corporate America or the bankers for the problems workers face:

Now, as many of you that have followed my musings may be aware, I am an admirer of Richard Trumka. Speeches like this one should show everyone why. The forces of the "robber barons" are still very alive and still seek to rape the American worker. They care little about anything but protecting their own profits and killing the American dream for 98% of us all while turning worker against worker in a never-ending game of "ring around the rosy".
With the well-funded enemies of progress for all Americans firing up the weak-minded to oppose their own interests so the greediest and least patriotic among us can continue to rob our country blind only one solution is left for Progressives, working men and women, and intellectuals. We must band together and DEMAND that America is once again the land of the free and the home of the brave instead of the home of a cutthroat, laissez-faire society we escaped in the New World.
We have been far too quiet and complacent during the tea-bag era of ignorant misled souls marching against themselves and all of us. We simply must stand together and fight as hard as we are being fought against by the forces of hatred whose sorry asses are covered because they are rich and could care less how many people get sick or die as long as they can hoard the money amongst themselves. The time has come for us all to stand up and stand together and fight for the ideals our country was founded on before we all must watch them be relegated to the history books as the world's beacon of freedom and liberty is smashed to bits in the name of Corporate profits, Greed and hatred.
Now is the time for all patriots to come to the aid of our country because our very way of life is threatened with extinction by the same forces of cruel greed that breed ignorance and steal away the liberties our people have long fought to uphold. Either we stand now and fight back, or the ideal that was America will die a slow, painfully tortured death.
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