Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What;s Going On Is The Last Male Wasp.......

Blast At Time; time that is quickly running out for his power over anymore. 

The Anti-Obama billboards going up in Atlanta are more than "disgusting" and "pathological."

They're also "racist."

What we're witnessing is nothing less than an explosion of paranoia being expressed by a certain class of people -- namely conservative White Anglo-Saxon Protestant males -- who are freaking out not only because a black man is president, but more importantly, the growing realization that WASPs will lose their majority status by the middle of this century.

Loss of majority status for WASPs means an inevitable loss of power and privilege. This has been made certain by the Census Bureau's disclosure late last month that Latino births will outpace WASP births in the U.S. within two years.

No wonder the radical "white nationalist" movement has gone totally bonkers over abortion; it's hardly a secret that the greatest number of abortions performed in this country have been performed on white women -- and that it's white women who have been the greatest users of contraceptives.

This has resulted in a net decline in the white birth rate, while the Latino birth rate has been steadily increasing and the black birth rate has remained constant (The white birth rate in Europe has fallen far more steeply, forcing many European governments to liberalize their immigration policies to cope with a growing labor shortage).

Bottom line: What's going on is the WASP male's last, angry blast aimed at stopping that which he cannot stop -- the browning of America and the inevitable demise of WASP male hegemony.

This is what New York Times columnist Frank Rich meant in his column last Sunday.

Let The Sun Shine In......

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