Wednesday, March 31, 2010

When Will They Ever Learn.....

....the power of language


George Lakoff has appeared on BuzzFlash for many years now, and we have sold his stunningly insightful books as well.  Lakoff is a vitally important person who the White House and Democratic Leadership don't appear to understand, because they are certainly not following his advice and profound understanding about how politics plays out through language, values, and appeals to emotion.  The Republicans actually understand Lakoff without probably having read him. The GOP understands that if you win people over on appeals to values and emotion by "framing" issues in a way that make segments of the population feel the Republican outlook echoes their values, the specifics of issues don't matter for the large part.  That is why the GOP can get away with so much lying. 

The Democratic leadership, on the other hand, thinks you can win an issue by merely persuading people of the reasonableness of the issue. Polling on healthcare reform proves, once again, Lakoff right. At least half of the population disapproves of the concept of healthcare reform as portrayed by the GOP, their right wing media echo chamber, books and think tanks.  Yet, most of the people who are swayed by the GOP's "frame" agree with most of the specific proposals of healthcare reform. The Republicans know how to lock in their base through building a "frame" that allows them to bypass specifics.  

Now Lakoff, who is a professor at Berkeley, is attempting focus on a specific issue in California, given that the national Dems appear lost in the wilderness when it comes to communication strategy.  He is trying to get passed a proposition that would require the approval of the California state budget by a mere majority, instead of 2/3's, because -- as in the  U.S Senate -- the larger threshold not only is not a democratic way to do things, it is paralyzing the largest state in the Union.

That brings us to Lakoff's commentary that he E-mailed to BuzzFlash about how a language change by Attorney General Jerry Brown, who is again seeking to be Governor of California, ruins the "framing" of the proposition and will very likely ensure its defeat because of the changes made by Brown's office in the language. It is a very instructive example for what often happens on the national level with the Democrats.

By George Lakoff, UC Berkeley

With the California Financial Crisis at stake, the impartiality of the California Attorney General has come under scrutiny.

Proponents of the California Democracy Act, a ballot initiative that would restore a majority vote for revenue and budget in the legislature, are asking Jerry Brown, the Attorney General, for a new title and summary. An exhaustive poll has shown that Brown’s title and summary changed the meaning and intent of the proposed initiative by one of the largest margins ever seen in a poll.

The poll was conducted by David Binder Research, one of California’s most respected polling firms. The poll showed that the actual initiative for majority on revenue and budget is supported by likely California voters by a 73-to-22 percent margin — a 51 percent lead. But Attorney General Jerry Brown personally wrote the title and summary with wording that shifts that favorable margin to a 38-to-56 percent unfavorable margin — a 69 percent shift!
The poll was conducted March 6-11, with a random sample of 800 likely voters with a margin of error of ±3.5 percent.  The summary appears on

If unchanged, Brown’s wording, not the actual initiative, would appear on the ballot, leading voters to misinterpret it and vote against it. Brown’s wording, if not changed, could kill the initiative, despite overwhelming voter support.

The effect is crucial, since the lack of majority rule in the legislature has made it impossible for the legislature to raise the revenue the state needs to prevent financial meltdown.  It is the single biggest factor in the state’s budget crisis.

The California Democracy Act is one sentence long.

All legislative actions on revenue and budget must be determined by a majority vote.
Its intent is “to bring democracy to the California legislature by ensuring that all legislative actions on revenue and budget must be determined by a majority vote. The current 2/3 vote requirement for revenue and budget allows 33.4% of either the Assembly or Senate to block the will of the majority, which violates an essential tenet of democracy.”  The issue is democracy. And on an initiative, a simple majority can end the 2/3 vote rules.

Attorney General Brown’s rewording states:

Changes Legislative Vote Requirement to Pass a Budget or Raise Taxes from Two-Thirds to a Simple Majority.  Initiative Constitutional Amendment. 

It changes the legislative vote requirement necessary to pass the budget, and to raise taxes from two-thirds to a simple majority.  Unknown fiscal impact from lowering the legislative vote requirement for spending and tax increases.  In some cases, the content of the annual state budget could change and / or state tax revenues could increase.  Fiscal impact would depend on the composition and actions of future legislatures.

The Attorney General’s wording uses the word “taxes” four times, associated with the words “raise” and “increase”. It includes the conservative language “spending and tax increases,” usually used to vilify liberals. His title and summary raises voters’ fears that their taxes could be raised. It replaces the intent of the initiative to promote democracy via majority vote by a purported but untrue intent to raise taxes on individual voters. 

The Binder report notes that taxes in general, as opposed to their taxes, are not a real concern of most voters. Democrats are overwhelmingly opposed to raising taxes on lower and middle income Californians, as are Republicans.  No one in the legislature wants to raise taxes on most voters.

When taxes on the lower and middle income brackets are not at issue, 64 percent of voters support “solving the budget crisis by closing tax loopholes on corporations and charging oil companies an extraction fee without raising taxes on lower and middle income Californians.” 55% agree with the statement that “we could raise revenue and balance the budget without raising taxes on lower and middle income Californians.”  Tax experts, such as Jean Ross of the Californian Budget project and Lenny Goldberg of the California Tax Reform Association agree.

Some moderate and liberal opponents of the Democracy Act believe that the right will attack it as raising taxes nonetheless, and that is no doubt true. Usually such attacks would lower support for an initiative by about 10 percent. The Binder poll took this into account by providing a battery of such attacks and then testing support again. The predicated effect occurred. Support for the original wording dropped from 73-to-22 percent down to 62-to-34 percent, still a 28 percent margin.

In short, the Attorney General’s wording raises unrealistic fears in a majority of voters that their taxes might be raised and hides the true democratic intent of the original initiative.  That is why proponents of the California Democracy Act are asking for an accurate title and summary from the Attorney General that reflects the democratic intent of the initiative and does not raise unrealistic fears of most voters that their taxes might be raised via the initiative.

Indeed, voters show overwhelming support for such basic democracy. As Binder observes, 71% of voters agree with the statement that “in a democracy, a majority of legislators should be able to pass everyday legislation.” And 68% of voters disagree with the statement that “in a democracy, a minority of legislators should be able to block everyday legislation.”  Percentages this high reflect support from across the political spectrum.

Since everyday legislation requires revenue, a majority vote requirement for both revenue and budget would realize the aspirations of an overwhelming percentage of voters for democracy in their legislature. And it would allow the legislature to pass legislation that would end the budget crisis.

I ask you to write to Attorney General Brown asking him to provide a title and summary of the resubmitted California Democracy Act according to its actual intent as follows: Ensures that all legislative actions on revenue and budget must be determined by a majority vote, and ends the ability of a minority of legislators to block the will of the majority on such legislation.

The Attorney General ought not to be acting against the overwhelming yearning for democracy on the part of voters across the political spectrum, as well as their deep desire to end the state’s budget crisis.

The author is Professor of Linguistics at UC Berkeley, one of the world’s most renowned linguists and one of the country’s leading experts on the use of language in politics. He is the author of the California Democracy Act.

Let The Sun Shine In......

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