Monday, March 29, 2010

Still doon't know what to think of the current GOP.....

.....but I do know that my deceased father is spinning in his grave. 

They have truly become the party of projection.


Straight from Karl Rove's playbook: Blame someone, anyone, else for that which you yourself are doing, and it's the one lesson Sarah Palin has down pat! Try as she might though, Sarah Palin cannot blame anyone else for the violence she's inciting.

Using the words, "Don't retreat", "Reload" and pictures of gunsight "crosshairs" targeting Democrats is not part of one's First Amendment rights. These are pointed and intentional acts of terrorism and should be treated as such!

For those who are unaware of the meaning of terrorism:

Terrorism - political violence - violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, carried out for political purposes

Key words here being, "the threat of violence"!

John Boehner Signals to Fundamentalist GOP Base That President Obama is the Anti-Christ
Now that we know the game the Repuglicans play; you know, the one where they project their own persona on their opponent? You can be sure that John Boehner is the real "Anti-Christ"!  Think about it, who actually called on "hell", who said, "like 'hell' we will", who's the one that needed the devil's backing for the destruction he's causing for the American people? John Boehner, that's who!

Some people forget that not that long ago most of the healthcare industry was a non-profit service, subsidized by local and federal government! They forget that the American people were told that "privatizing healthcare would provide better quality care at a much cheaper price" and we now know just how well that worked out.

We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world and contrary to what the Repuglicans would have you believe, America is not #1, in fact we're quite a ways down on that list. We're even ranked below Cuba and Chile in life expectancy! Wake up to the fact that Americans spend the most money for health care and we're not getting what we've paid for -- we're being scammed! Healthcare reform is long overdue!

Where do conservatives find so many brainless sad sacks to run for office?  It's no wonder the Repuglicans are losing respect when these ding-bats represent the GOP:

Bachmann: '100% Of Our Economy Was Private' Before September 2008

The woman doesn't have the brains God promised a brass monkey. The whole world is laughing at her and the Repuglican Party!

I give you House Minority WIMP, Eric Cantor:

Eric Cantor's latest defense: I didn't know that the police had concluded the bullet in my (sometimes) office was randomly fired until after my press conference in which I said my office had been targeted. You know it's bad when your fallback defense is reckless disregard for the truth.

A WIMP and a LIAR, no wonder the Repuglicans are losers!

So he did know and five will get you ten that the Pope will not resign:

Dr. Huth said he issued the explicit warnings — both written and oral — before the future pope, then Joseph Ratzinger, archbishop of Munich and Freising, left Germany for a position in the Vatican in 1982.

Which leaves us wondering: Was the "future pope" more concerned with his promotion to the Vatican than he was with the children being molested?


Let The Sun Shine In......

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