Friday, March 20, 2009

The Big Takeover

On CNN today, I caught a brief blah, blah, blah about how N.Y. A.G. Cuomo had the names of all of the bonus babies. The CNN folks were concerned that the names would be made public, as apparently there have been death threats and such.

I say, who the hell cares about their security?

Make the names public!

The masses have more to worry about than these greedy SOBs' security. Let them spend their bonuses on their own security. They can surely afford it.

.....So it's time to admit it: We're fools, protagonists in a kind of gruesome comedy about the marriage of greed and stupidity. And the worst part about it is that we're still in denial — we still think this is some kind of unfortunate accident, not something that was created by the group of psychopaths on Wall Street whom we allowed to gang-rape the American Dream.

When Geithner announced the new $30 billion bailout, the party line was that poor AIG was just a victim of a lot of shitty luck — bad year for business, you know, what with the financial crisis and all.

Edward Liddy, the company's CEO, actually compared it to catching a cold: "The marketplace is a pretty crummy place to be right now," he said. "When the world catches pneumonia, we get it too." In a pathetic attempt at name-dropping, he even whined that AIG was being "consumed by the same issues that are driving house prices down and 401K statements down and Warren Buffet's investment portfolio down."~~~~~~~The global economic crisis isn't about money - it's about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution

Let The Sun Shine In......

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