Thursday, February 25, 2010

Morning Joe

Listening to Morning Joe this morning. The talk was about just how split the American electorate is these days. Apparently not as bad as right before the (un)Civil war, but pretty bad nonetheless.

Mika and Joe were talking about how they get savaged on twitter and Peter (somebody; didn't catch the name)) has found that part of the problem is that there is a right and left echo chamber. Well, I guess that's true. I've certainly seen and been a part of it.

As a life long independent, I get so annoyed that pundits just assume that all independents are right-wingers. Not true, as I have stated time and time again. I believe bringing together good ideas from both sides and finding a way to use those ideas to support the American people in their lives, to make life as good, secure and free as possible is what D.C. and every state house should be about.

I guess that, for me, it is difficult to get over how we were lied into an unnecessary war in Iraq and that much of what we were promised about the war in Afghanistan was, apparently, poppycock. Osama is still on the loose and the women of Afghanistan are still living quiet lives of desperation.

It is equally difficult to stomach racist signs and Tea bagger rallies against Obama. What is wrong with these people, I ask myself. Are they willing to destroy the country just because we elected an African American president or are these people simply so misinformed (disinformed) that fear has taken over their brains and caused a serious internal head injury?

Why on earth would I vote for a party, that does not believe in government at all, to govern. It makes no sense. Where would we be without government? Here is a clue; the SEC was damned near gutted during Bush/Cheney and look at the fine mess we are in. Bush ran two wars on a credit card and look what a fine mess we are in. There are many more examples.

One purpose of the federal and state governments must be to protect the American people, not only from those who would harm them from the outside, like Al Qaeda terrorist, but to protect them from internal threats like massive wealth and power in the corporate world of greed.

I have to ask myself, when considering these things, who has really done the most damage to the U.S.A and its people?

Furthermore, I wish we could all stop saving one another.

Let The Sun Shine In......

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