Sunday, November 8, 2009

So, what's Up With The Christian and New Athiests Screamers

I'm Not Easily Categorized Either.....   (original article) that I am not a "true believer" in either extreme. I find myself criniging while listening to Hitchens as well as Tony Perkins or Pat Robertson. I have studied the scriptures of quite e few religions, philosophies, beleif systems and practices. I see the wisdom in all of them. I also see how anyone of them can be misued and abused on people in such incredibly cruel ways. That can be said of almost anything, can it not?

We all have a belief system whether we like it or not.

The thing is that change, with a capital "C," is upon us and Obama did not bring it.The very idea that he did is laughable.

This change has been coming for quite sometime. There is no turning back and there never has been. To be blunt, lots of people are scared witless about that. All of us will, to some extent, rely on our belief systems and support system duing the trying times ahead.

However, the more rigid and extreme the doctrines and aplastic the brains that cling to them, the worse off we all are. Scared people have been known to do stupid things. As an old friend of mine used to say, "adrenalin really is stupid juice, isn't it?"

Therefore, now is really not the time to scare anyone unnescessarly, especially about things they either really do worship (need desperately for life) or say they do. Prosylethyzing is a real problem, admittedly. Some christian sects believe that it is their holy obligation to convert other people to their belief system. Under our constitution, they have a right to speak with anyone who agrees to listen. They do not have a right to codify their belief system and insist that others believe and act as they do (or believe they should) under penalty of law. It is the latter for which we need be watchful.

Judaism has never prosylethized to my knowledge, as most Islamic sects do not. I have never been acosted by a Hindhu or a Buddhist attempting to brainwash me, although I know quite a few and have met quite a few Hindus and Buddhists over the years.

Talking about screeching "new athiests" and foaming-at-the-mouth prophets of doom for everyone but them? Both leave me queazy at best, truly nauseous at worst. In those, as well as other instances of lewd social/political discourse, while I understand where it comes from, cause me to fear for my country and long for the quiet of solitude.

While we ponder the obvious opposites and the splits within the splits regarding "God Almighty," The high prients of the temple of capatalism have been terribly corrupted, just in case no one noticed. (snark). Religions, dear Buzzers, are not found only in buildings denoted as religious in nature, like churches, temples, mosques, ashrams and the like.

Free marketeers have more zeel for their belief system than most evangelicals I've encountered. Not all of us worship the same god. Not by a long shot.  

Let The Sun Shine In......

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