Thursday, May 7, 2009

How long before AIPAC helps Destroy Israel

There was a time I would not have read this article. Today, things are different with me. Don't get me wrong. I am far from a skin-head or a neo-nazi. Medea is a Jew; one I met at a protest in D.C. in September 2005, not long after New Orleans was allowed to drown.

When will the western powers admit that shoving European and Russian Jews back down into Palestine after the holocaust was a very bad idea? 
It was, you know, a huge mistake, born of our own anti-Jewish sentiments. 
Jews, Muslims and Christians, in that part of the world, got along quite well before we and the Brits decided to take land away from the Palestinians and give it to people who had no right to the land and who had not lived there for close to 2 thousand years.

That decision was one of imperialism, something which I do despise. 

It is high time that we all admit it was a mistake and find a way to correct it.

Who Will Stop the AIPAC Jews Before it is Too Late? by Medea Benjamin

While I was being tackled by security guards at Washington's Convention Center during the AIPAC conference for unfurling a banner that asked "What about Gaza?," my heart was aching. 
I wasn't bothered so much by the burly guards who were yanking my arms behind by back and dragging me-along with 5 other CODEPINK members-out of the hall. They were doing their job. -- What made my heart ache was the hatred I felt from the AIPAC staff who tore up the banner and slammed their hands across my mouth as I tried to yell out: "What about Gaza? What about the children?" "Shut the f--- up. Shut the f--- up." one staffer yelled, red-faced and sweating as he ran beside me. "This is not the place to be saying that shit. Get the f--- out of here." -- 
When is it too late, I wonder, to stop Israel from destroying itself? When is it too late to tell AIPAC attendees that more violence and hatred is not the answer? When is it too late to open the hardened hearts of my people, once victims of a terrible holocaust, to realize that by occupying Palestine we have become they evil we deplore? When is it too late to restore meaning to the Hebrew term "tikkun olam" by truly working to heal the world? When is it too late for the Jews of the world to weep for the children of Gaza, recognizing that they, too, are the children of God? I couldn't ask my questions at AIPAC. My mouth was muzzled by the sweaty hands of hate-filled staffers demanding that I "shut the f--- up." But despite AIPAC's massive funds and influence, I feel certain that more and more members of the Jewish community will step forward and refuse to be silent. I just pray it is not too late.

Let The Sun Shine In......

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