Thursday, April 16, 2009

Obama a 'fascist'?

Why can't anyone think to ask even one of these nut jobs to define Fascism or Socialism or Communism for that matter? How about Capitalism? Can anyone define Capitalism

The man who founded the Fascist party in Italy was none other than, Benito Mussolini. He said that the word for fascism would easily be replaced with corporatism; when government and the corporations, who own the elected officials, are one force in the nation and in the world, representing the U.S.A..

Proud of all our corporate types and what they have been up to for the past 50 years or so? Is anyone proud to vote for one more politician who is owned by some corporate interest that is clearly not in-line with the well-being of the people?

more about "Obama a 'fascist'?", posted with vodpod

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